

Author: cristinac
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CJEU says active behavior required for cookies consent

The CJEU clarifies that “consent” in data protection and privacy laws in relation to cookies compliance refers to consent through active behaviour. This week, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a ruling resolving the definition of the term consent in regards to cookies compliance.  This came about as a result of

WhatsApp conversations may be deemed valid contract in Spain

Using WhatsApp blue tick to sign contracts? WhatsApp chats have been considered a verbal contract between the parties by a Court in Vigo (Galicia, Spain). WhatsApp conversations may be a legally binding contract for the parties. An unpaid rent was the origin of this ruling. The landlords sued the tenant and the Court accepted the WhatsApp

Combining AI, IoT and Big Data: Can Regulation Cope?

In last week’s vlog we delved into the regulation of AI, IoT and Big Data when used together. AI, IoT and Big Data—these technologies and digital concepts undoubtedly play a major role in today’s highly connected era. As they are now; and continue to become more and more; integral in our day to day lives, several regulatory

Google Wins landmark privacy case on right to be forgotten

Judges at the Court of Justice of the European Union this week ruled that Google does not have to apply the GDPR’s right to be forgotten globally.   On Tuesday September 24th, in what is being lauded as a landmark privacy case, Luxembourg-based judges said operators of a search engine are not required to carry

Self-Driving Cars and GDPR

Driverless cars are on track to becoming a reality, but what of privacy and data protection? In this blog we explore self-driving cars and GDPR. When you think of self-driving cars what comes to mind? I’m willing to go on a limb here and say that it’s not just Knight Rider’s KITT, the Batmobile or

ICO launches new Data Sharing Code in line with GDPR and DPA 2018

The ICO’s updated Data Sharing Code will provide companies with practical guidelines about how to share personal data in compliance with data protection legislation. In today’s highly digital, increased-efficiency focused era, data sharing undoubtedly plays a significant role. Indeed major technological shifts in how organizations do business present pretty persuasive arguments for the need for

Facial Recognition and GDPR

Facial recognition is growing by leaps and bounds so what of privacy and data protection? Today we take a deeper look at facial recognition and GDPR. From surveillance to marketing; advances in technology has resulted in the commercialization—and some may even say normalization!—of facial recognition. Used by airports terminals, mobile phone makers and social media

Smart Cities and Privacy

At its core, smart cities involve tons of data and an intelligent network of connected devices transmitting this data. This creates big privacy challenges and risks. Simply put, smart cities are described as a town, district or area which incorporates digital technology and data across all municipality functions in order to improve government services and

Aphaia attends FOAN2019

8th International conference on Fiber Optics in Access Networks (FOAN2019) was held 2-4 September on Swissotel, Sarajevo. More than 60 talks were delivered by the most top professionals in the Telecoms field, including people from Industry, Academy, Government and Regulatory Agencies during FOAN2019. The event brought together attendees from all around the world, from southern and

Voiceprinting Privacy

Voiceprinting is becoming a widespread identification and authentication tool for banks and even public authorities. Voiceprinting privacy concerns and GDPR compliance need to be discussed too. As technology advances and the world shifts more and more towards electronic and online platforms, new means of digitally identifying individuals are constantly being introduced. One such digital identification