

Author: Ursa
Page 12

Europe to invest 9 billion in broadband and 9 billion in energy development

The European Commission has proposed to spend €9 billion from 2014 to 2020 on high-speed broadband deployment projects in Europe and an additional €9 billion on trans-European energy infrastructure.

EU launches ‘Generation Awake’

On 17 October 2011 the European Commission launched “Generation Awake. Your choices make a world of difference!”, a campaign designed to encourage consumers to make resource efficient purchasing choices.

The EU sets conditions for ratification of new phase of Kyoto

At the latest meeting of the EU environment council on 10 October 2011 the environment ministers of the EU have decided that, while the the European Union remains open to the new phase of the Kyoto climate change pact, it will do so under very clear conditions, namely if the biggest emitters of greenhouse gas

Proposed unified European sales law to boost trade, including eCommerce

The European Commission has proposed an optional Common European Sales Law that is to transcend barriers to cross-border trade in the EU. The law now needs to be approved by EU Member States and the European Parliament.

Aphaia holds data protection seminar in St Lucia

On 3 October 2011 Aphaia, in collaboration with Seashell Consulting, organized a seminar in Saint Lucia that presented to the industry and interested parties an overview of the new Saint Lucian personal data protection legislation.

EU music copyright extended to 70 years after recording

In September the copyright protection for performers and sound recordings in the EU was extended from 50 to 70 years.

Five solutions to smartphone security risks identified by the EU cyber security agency

ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency tackling cyber security issues in the European Union, has published a report on smartphone app-store security.

European Court of Justice defines trademark abuse in use of keywords identical to protected trademarks

The European Court of Justice has set legal precedent by clarifying the scope of trademark protection in the EU. On 22 September the Court ruled in the case of Marks and Spencer vs. Interflora and issued a judgement that severely affects competitors who try to take advantage of a protected trademark by misusing internet referencing

Cars to be able to dial emergency services in case of serious accidents by 2015

An emergency call system for road accidents is to be part of all new models of cars and light vehicles in the EU from 2015 onwards. The eCall system will automatically dial the single European emergency number 112 in the event of a serious accident, communicating the vehicle’s location to first respondents even when participants

EU-wide online gambling legislation being considered

European policymakers and operators are considering introducing legislation in 2012 that would govern the online gambling market in the European Union.