
Zandilli Lucien

Author: Zandilli Lucien
Page 26

Icelandic DPA fines InfoMentor

Icelandic DPA fines InfoMentor for a data breach affecting hundreds of children from 2019.   The Icelandic Data Protection Authority has fined the company InfoMentor EUR 23,100 for not ensuring the proper security of personal data of several data subjects, mainly affecting children. According to this report from the EDPB, in an incident reported in

COVID-19 travel certificates questioned by Italian DPA

COVID-19 travel certificates launch in the EU soon, however the Italian DPA has pointed out some issues that need critical attention before the rollout.    This summer, COVID-19 travel certificates or “vaccine passports” will be rolled out throughout the EU, with the official launch of this scheduled for the end of June. The majority of

SCCs and Privacy Shield replacement updates, what can we expect?

SCCs and Privacy Shield replacement are both of paramount importance to trans-Atlantic data flows, however, right now the focus may be more on new SCCs.     Almost one year since the CJEU “Schrems II” decision, a new EU-US privacy shield may still be far off. However, with Standard Contractual Clauses being upheld and used quite

CNPD ordered Statistics Portugal to suspend all data transfers within 12 hours

CNPD ordered Statistics Portugal to suspend all data transfers to a US based processor within 12 hours earlier this week. The Portuguese DPA, Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados or CNPD ordered Statistics Portugal (INE) to suspend all data transfers specific to their census within 12 hours, due to an inadequate level of protection for

Record AEPD fine imposed on Vodafone

Record AEPD fine imposed on Vodafone for violations of the GDPR as well as Spanish national regulations.    Vodafone Spain has recently been hit with four fines, with a record total of €8.15 million for violations of the GDPR and Spanish national laws. The company has been found guilty of unlawful telemarketing and other data

Standard Contractual Clauses may not be enough, as suggested by recent decision by BayLDA

BayLDA, the Bavarian DPA has recently ordered a German company to cease from using Mailchimp, despite the use of Standard Contractual Clauses.   In the aftermath of the Schrems II ruling, we have seen some examples of the practical implications of this judgment. In the most recent case, the Bavarian DPA has ordered a German

The new EU AI Regulation : leaked document reveals intentions to establish rules for high risk AI

New EU AI Regulation revealed in a recently leaked document, include several intended legislations specific to high risk AI.    The European Commission has proposed a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council aimed at governing the use, and sale of high risk AI within the European Union. In a recently leaked document,

Dutch DPA imposes fine for delayed report of a data breach

Dutch DPA imposes fine on international travel agency booking.com, for their delayed action in reporting a significant data breach.    Netherlands based international travel agency, Booking.com was recently hit with a fine for their delayed action in reporting a data breach. The breach was discovered on January 13, 2019, after having occurred in December of

Facebook data leak affects over half a billion users worldwide

Facebook data leak results in the personal information of over half a billion users being made available publicly and free of charge.    Facebook has recently been implicated in a massive data leak affecting over a half a billion users, as reported by Business Insider earlier this month. The personal data leaked was gathered during

Digital Green Certificates: the EDPB and EDPS release a joint opinion

Digital Green Certificates have been a topic of debate lately, and the EDPB & EDPS have released a joint opinion on this, regarding data protection and privacy. Digital Green Certificates, which some refer to as “vaccine passports” are, contrary to popular belief, not specific to vaccines. In actuality, the digital green certificates or passes, as