
Zandilli Lucien

Author: Zandilli Lucien
Page 36

The Dutch DPA Imposed a Fine on the Dutch Tennis Association under the GDPR for Illegally Selling Personal Data for marketing purposes.

The Dutch DPA Imposed a fine on the Dutch Tennis Association (The KNLTB) of EUR 525,000, for the unlawful sale of personal data of its members to two sponsors.   The Dutch DPA recently imposed a fine on the Dutch Tennis Association (KNLTB) under the GDPR, for the illegal sale of their members’ information to

Technology and Privacy in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic

With thousands of new cases popping up each day globally, many health authorities are turning to technology in the battle against the global pandemic. But can these apps be used without privacy concerns? What are the links between technology and privacy in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic? Several nations within the European Union have

CCPA set to Move Forward as Scheduled Despite COVID-19 Challenges.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is set to move forward, as scheduled on July 1, 2020, despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.   As various states and countries implement lock downs and stay at home orders in effort to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, many events, initiatives and processes are being cancelled, or

A Memorandum of Understanding has been Signed Between the UK’s ICO and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the UK’s ICO and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), to facilitate cooperation and collaboration. A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the UK’s ICO and the Australian Information Commissioner, due to the fact that the two share similar functions and duties in their

The Coronavirus Pandemic and Data Protection.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and Data Protection: Guidelines for employers regarding privacy laws during the pandemic. With recent developments in the global arena, the outbreak of the corona virus has led to many changes in the workplace. Numerous employees have taken to working from home with the new push for social distancing and self quarantining.

EDPB Releases Statement on Privacy Implications of Mergers.

The European Data Protection Board released a statement last month on the privacy implications of mergers. The European Data Protection Board has expressed concern over the privacy implications of mergers upon becoming aware of the intention of Google LLC to acquire Fitbit Inc. The board is primarily concerned that this may put a major tech

The Reality of the Impersonation Feature on Company Platforms.

Many company platforms and apps include an impersonation feature which allows administrative users to access accounts as though they were logged in as the users themselves. Imagine knowing that by simply having an account with a company, you are unknowingly granting access to this company’s everyday employees to access your data in just the same

Two US Senators Propose New Legislation, to Place a Temporary Ban on Federal Government Use of Facial Recognition.

Two democratic US senators introduced a bill last month to place a temporary ban on Federal Government use of facial recognition technology until Congress is able to pass legislation regulating it. As facial recognition technology quickly develops, two Democratic United States senators; Cory Booker and Jeff Merkley are acknowledging the risks this technology could pose

The ICO Imposed the Maximum fine of £500,000 on Scottish Company, CRDNN Ltd for Automated Nuisance Calls.

The ICO has recently imposed the maximum fine of £500,000 on a Scottish company, CRDNN Ltd for making nearly 200 million automated nuisance calls. After receiving over 3000 complaints about CRDNN Ltd, formerly known as Contact Reach Digital Ltd, the ICO launched an investigation which resulted in a fine of £500,000 for unlawful marketing in

Banks Ask For Guidance in Balancing Data Protection Laws and Anti-Money-Laundering Requirements.

Representatives from the European Banking Industry ask for more legal guidance on how data protection laws should be interpreted, specifically in the Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) realm. European banking industry representatives are asking for assistance and more legal guidance, amid their claims that there seems to be some tensions between the objectives of the GDPR and Anti