
Category: Data Protection

GDPR no deal Brexit practical steps

What should UK business do when it comes to GDPR if no deal Brexit actually takes place? At first glance, no deal Brexit should not pose a major problem for UK businesses. The UK applies GDPR and will continue to apply it, either directly or based on Data Protection Act 2018. There are no major

5G Privacy Risks addressed by the European Commission

Commission Recommendation on Cybersecurity of 5G networks sets an action plan for the Member States. We explore the main sources of 5G privacy risks. According to Commission Recommendation on Cybersecurity of 5G networks, EU Member States should by the 30th June 2019 carry out a risk assessment of 5G network infrastructure, including identifying the most

Google announces an AI advisory board – only to dissolve it

Google creates advisory board to monitor the ethical use of AI In line with the draft set of AI Ethics Guidelines produced by the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group (AI HLEG) last December, Google and other Big Tech like Amazon and Microsoft are taking steps to adopt an ethical use of AI. Google, from their

Workers fined for data protection breaches

Did you know that employees can be held personally liable for their failure to safeguard and correctly handle personal data? Companies are not the only ones being fined for data breaches, individuals as workers can and will be prosecuted. Mike Shaw, who heads up the criminal investigations team at the ICO, said: “People expect that their

ICO Adtech Forum Overview

The Forum aimed to help ICO to better understand the privacy implications of analytics and digital tools used in the context of advertising My best friend’s birthday was last week so I did some research in Google trying to find her favourite tennis shoes. I checked some sites to compare different models and prices and

US Criminal investigation launched into Facebook’s data deals

US Federal prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation into data deals Facebook struck with some of the world’s largest technology companies. “I’ve been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again. I started Facebook, and at the end of the day I’m responsible for what happens on our

Overview on Device Fingerprinting

Spanish Data Protection Supervisory Authority, AEPD, published guidelines on device fingerprinting. What is fingerprinting? Beyond cookies or pixels, there are other techniques of identification and monitoring on the Internet that allow the realization of profiles and potential profitability of the data associated with them. This category displays the so-called fingerprinting of the device, which is

Assessing Singapore’s data breaches

Singapore’s public agencies will access data breaches on a case-by-case basis Dr Janil Puthucheary, a senior minister of state for communications and information and transport, states that there’s a need to look at every case, a need to look at the issue at hand as to what has been accessed, what are the circumstances and

5G expansion privacy risks

The expansion of 5G mobile technology around the world promises to bring faster downloads and quicker network response times. But also a lot more concerns about privacy. In the USA 5G will allow for the possibility of more-precise location tracking, as well as the opportunity to collect vast amounts of additional personal data. Unfortunately, due

GDPR and email: minimise the transfers!

A ‘human error’ was the blame for Kent Council’s email breach. Such a situation may involve penalties ranging from a simple warning by the control authority, the ICO in this case, to fines of 20 million euros. E-mail including contact details of more than 300 adoptive parents and some support workers were shared mistakenly by