
Tag: Data Collection

Tag: Data Collection

CNIL imposed a fine of €240,000 on KASPR for multiple GDPR violations

CNIL of France has imposed a fine of €240,000 on KASPR for multiple GDPR violations linked to the unlawful collection and retention of personal data.  KASPR, a company offering a Chrome extension to extract professional contact details from LinkedIn and other online sources, has faced regulatory action for its practices. Through its database of approximately

Coolblue was fined €40,000 for violating GDPR by unlawfully processing personal data via cookies

Coolblue was fined €40,000 by the Dutch DPA for unlawfully processing personal data via cookies, by failing to obtain explicit consent.   The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) recently imposed a €40,000 fine on Coolblue for unlawfully processing personal data via cookies in 2020. The violation stemmed from Coolblue’s failure to obtain explicit consent from

Clearview AI faces a punishment from Dutch DPA for Illegal Facial Recognition Data Collection

Clearview AI faces a punishment of 30.5 million euros from the Dutch DPA for Illegal Facial Recognition Data Collection.   Clearview AI faces a punishment of 30.5 million euros from the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) and up to 5 million euros in penalty payments. The US based company provides services using its facial recognition

Web Scraping is almost always unlawful under the GDPR

Under the GDPR, web scraping is almost always unlawful, except for in very few exceptional cases.    The automatic collection and storage of information from the Internet is referred to as web scraping. Through this process, a computer program automatically extracts data from the internet, for example by scanning social media platforms. Scraping involves the