
Tag: GDPR biometrics

Tag: GDPR biometrics

Biometric identification and authentication: 14 common misconceptions debunked

Biometric identification and authentication, are often misconstrued, or mistakenly used interchangeably. A joint paper by the EDPS and the Spanish DPA, offers clarification on 14 common misconceptions on the two.    Biometric identification and authentication, although sometimes linked, refer to two distinguishable concepts. Biometric Identification is the process of identifying an individual among a group

Biometrics researcher Christina-Angeliki Toli on GDPR biometrics challenges

Christina-Angeliki Toli, data mining specialist currently working as a cryptographer/biometrics researcher engineer, talks to us about GDPR biometrics challenges including privacy-by design solutions that are not only secure but also respect the rights of their users.