
Tag: ICO

Tag: ICO
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ICO fines two UK companies £180,000 for unlawful marketing calls

The ICO fines two UK companies for breaching PECR and launches video guides for small businesses.   The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) recently fined two companies a total of £180,000 for making unlawful marketing calls. The companies, Ice Telecommunications Ltd and UK Direct Business Solutions Ltd, were found to have made thousands of unsolicited

Spam emails result in a £130,000 fine from the ICO

The ICO has fined an online recruitment firm £130,000 after several spam emails were sent out to individuals over a one year period.    A UK-based online recruitment firm, Join the Triboo Limited, has been fined £130,000 by the ICO for sending 107 million spam emails between October 2019 and October 2020 to individuals seeking

ICO issues reprimand to the NHS after a data breach

ICO issues reprimand to the NHS after a data breach exposing sensitive health data of several individuals.    The ICO is calling for the highest standards in HIV services in the wake of a reprimand against NHS Highland. The health board was issued with an enforcement notice, which stated that it had failed to comply

ICO guidance for companies that develop or use generative AI systems

The ICO has issued guidance for companies that develop or use generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems to ensure that they are complying with data protection laws.   The UK’s data protection regulator, the ICO has issued guidance for companies that develop or use generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Generative AI is a type of machine

Tips for game designers from the ICO on Children’s code compliance

The ICO has published tips for game designers on how to comply with the children’s code.   In the UK, the Children’s code governs all online services that are likely to be accessed by children. This code was put in place to protect the UK’s minor population within the digital world. As games are one

The ICO advises SMEs to ensure good data protection practices

The UK’s ICO has issued a statement where it advises SMEs to ensure good data protection practices and provides other valuable recommendations.    The UK’s ICO has produced a guide to help businesses understand their new obligations under the GDPR and to prepare for them. In the advent of Data Protection Day, the ICO has

ICO urges developers to make privacy a priority

The ICO has recently released a statement urging developers to make privacy a priority early on in the implementation of new technologies.   In a recent statement, the UK’s data protection regulator, the ICO urges developers to make privacy a priority at an early stage of the implementation of new technologies. The Commissioner believes that

Guidance on international transfers from the ICO

The UK’s ICO has published guidance on international transfers for businesses and organisations which process personal data.   In the aftermath of the publishing of the International Data Transfer Agreement (IDTA) and the Addendum to the European Union Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), the ICO has published guidance on international data transfers. This guidance includes a

UK Department for Education reprimanded by the ICO

The ICO has issued a reprimand to the UK Department for Education, relating to the misuse of personal information of children.   Following an investigation into the use of a database of pupils’ learning records by Trust Systems Software UK Limited, the ICO believes this to be a case of poor diligence on the part

Illegal profiling and predatory marketing calls lead to a fine of £1.48 million for Easylife

Easylife was fined £1,480,000 for illegal profiling and predatory marketing calls which resulted in several complaints to the ICO.    The ICO has fined Easylife Ltd £1,350,000 for using the personal information of 145,400 customers to target them with health-related products after predicting their medical conditions based on previous purchases without their consent. The company