

Author: cristinac
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EU AI Ethics guidelines overview

EU Commission AI Ethics Guidelines are the Talk of the Town. The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group (AI HLEG) produced a draft set of AI Ethics Guidelines in December 2018. The final version is due in March this year and although it won’t be legally binding, it enables all stakeholders to formally endorse and sign

Right to be forgotten EU Scope

According to EU Court of Justice’s Advocate General, “right to be forgotten” should be limited to EU browsers’ domains. French Data Supervisory Authority (CNIL) fined Google 100.000€ in 2015 for failing to comply with CNIL whole requirement regarding a “right to be forgotten” (right to erasure) request. Whereas CNIL demanded Google to remove links from

Comparison between new LOPD and GDPR

Key differences between Spanish Data Protection Law and GDPR Spanish Data Protection Law (hereinafter, LOPD 2018) came into force on December 6th  and Aphaia has analysed it in order to highlight how it differs from the GDPR, whilst  identifying the main provisions made for how GDPR applies in Spain. Deceased persons While GDPR states that

IoT and Privacy, are we ready?

Security risks when it comes to massive devices interconnection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fv7CKD3fsU&feature=youtu.be How far is IoT from becoming a reality? The connectivity, the skills, the storage and analysis capacity, the devices, a high speed of response… All of them are technology already available but why it is not implemented in business and society yet? IoT systems involve

GDPR territorial scope

The European Data Protection Board publishes guidelines on the territorial scope of the GDPR. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has recently published guidelines on the territorial scope of the GDPR, in order to clarify the cases where GDPR applies according to Article 3. Territorial scope of the GDPR is defined based on two main

GDPR Challenges For Artificial Intelligence

Data protection in algorithms Technological development is enabling the automation of all processes, as Henry Ford did in 1914; The difference is that now instead of cars we have decisions about privacy. Since GDPR came into force on 25th May 2018, lots of questions have arisen regarding how the Regulation may block any data-based project. In this article, we aim to clarify some of the main GDPR concepts that may apply to the processing of large amounts of data and algorithm decision-making. It

GDPR biometric data explained by Spanish DPA

Spain Supervisory Authority (AEPD) opinion on GDPR biometric data AEPD 10thAnnual Session took place last June, and some of the main questions that were addressed in the meeting have now been publicly published. Participants were specially concerned about GDPR biometric data and its processing under certain circumstances, like labour sphere. Spanish Data Protection Legislation previous

GDPR parents’ access to children over 18 university marks

Spanish supervisory authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos – AEPD) has published an opinion on GDPR parents’ access right to their children over 18 University marks and other associated information. Data related to University enrolment, marks or scholarship is personal data according to GDPR, and where the University is disclosing such information to the

Spain approves new Data Protection Law

New Royal Decree-Law on Data Protection in Spain A new Royal Decree-Law on Data Protection has been approved in Spain as part of the GDPR adaptation process. A Royal Decree-Law is a legal rule having the force of a law in the Spanish legal system. This is an important regulatory measure for Privacy in the