

Author: cristinac
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AI Auditing and Ethical issues

Auditing is one of the main challenges that faces the Regulation of the AI. It’s important to note that audits can be internal or external. An internal AI audit helps an organisation evaluate, understand and communicate the degree to which AI will have an effect (either negative or positive) on the organisation’s ability to create

ICO new cookies guidance

The new guidance aims to align the ICO’s position on cookies with GDPR. What should I do? There are steps a business must take to ensure compliance with the new guidance: Say what cookies will be set and explain what the cookies do The information provided to the data subject must cover: the cookies intended

Artificial Intelligence in H2020 overview

The Spanish Centre for Technological Industry Development (CDTI) held last Thursday 11th an info day about the importance of the artificial intelligence in H2020. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years, from 2014 to 2020 and it aims to reach three

AI Ethics in 2 minutes

On our YouTube channel this week, we are discussing the basis of AI Ethics, in line with the EU approach. As a member of the EU AI Alliance, Aphaia is involved in the discussion of all aspects of AI development and its impacts, and we regularly share our thoughts and feedback with the AI HLEG.

First European AI Alliance Assembly overview

The first EU AI Alliance Assembly was held in The Egg, Brussels on Wednesday 26th. One year after the creation of the AI HLEG and the European AI Alliance, the first Assembly took place this week in Brussels. It was a full day event that brought together stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, public bodies and policymakers.

Practical guidance on how to process mixed datasets

The European Commission has published guidance on the interaction between the Regulation on the free flow of non-personal data and the GDPR. One year after the GDPR started to apply, most controllers are (or at least they should) well aware of the security and privacy requirements that should govern the datasets which contain personal data.

What data should a controller disclose under a data subject access request?

A recent decision from the Cologne Regional Court addresses whether individuals are entitled to receive emails and personal notes as part of a DSAR. “I want access to all personal data you handle about me”. What should you do as the controller if you receive an email like this? According to GDPR, individuals have the right to obtain:

Aphaia delivers its first data protection workshop in Madrid

The workshop took place at Aphaia’s premises and it was focus on privacy, cybersecurity and data protection. Taking advantage of the first GDPR anniversary, Aphaia decided to deliver a workshop to share our experience with other businesses that may be struggling with data protection issues. Even though GDPR came into force in 2018, Aphaia has

Google’s Huawei ban

Google blocks Huawei access to Android after blacklisting due to some security and privacy concerns The Trump administration adds Huawei to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Entity List via executive order, thereby blacklisting the company as far as U.S. corporations are concerned.  The world’s second biggest smartphone maker, Huawei, has been barred by Google from

EDPB Guidelines on the processing of personal data in the context of the provision of online services

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted draft guidelines on the processing of personal data in the context of the provision of online services, aiming at clarifying Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. Whenever we buy a car or a house, we are well-aware of the necessity of a contract. However, how does this apply when