
Category: GDPR

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CNIL fines TikTok over cookie consent violations

TikTok was recently hit with a fine of 5 million euros from CNIL of France over cookie consent violations.   Following a series of investigations on the TikTok.com website between May 2020 and June 2022, TikTok has been hit with a €5 million fine for cookie consent violations. CNIL concluded that the refusal mechanism for

Cookie consent violations lead to a fine of 60 million euros for Microsoft

Microsoft was recently hit with a fine of 60 million euros from CNIL of France for various cookie consent violations.   Following several investigations into the company regarding cookies deposited via bing.com, CNIL has imposed a fine of €60 million on Microsoft. The investigations were spurred by complaints about the conditions for depositing cookies on

Adequacy decision for safe data flows with the U.S

European Union starts process to adopt adequacy decision for safe data flows with the U.S.   The European Commission has launched the process to enable continued data transfers from the European Union to the United States, which existed under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. In its decision, the European Commission has recognized that the United States

Electric company was fined by CNIL over commercial prospecting

French electric company EDF was fined by the CNIL for commercial prospecting and other GDPR violations.   The French electric company EDF has recently been fined a total of €600,000 after being found guilty of several GDPR violations. According to this report from the CNIL of France, the company was found guilty of commercial prospecting

The AEPD releases guidance on biometric data and GDPR

The AEPD has released guidance on biometric data to help controllers to securely process this data pursuant to the GDPR. Biometric data may have a significant degree of intrusiveness on the privacy of individuals and, if not properly processed, it may also involve high risks to their rights and freedoms. According to the AEPD, elements

Binding Decision by the EDPB amends draft decision on WhatsApp

Binding Decision by the EDPB amends draft decision on controversial WhatsApp policy update, citing infringement of the transparency principle and recalculating the fine. Following the controversial WhatsApp policy update, The Irish Supervisory Authority issued a draft decision. However, the decision invited various objections by other concerned supervisory authorities. According to this report by the European

GDPR-ready workshop con Talent Garden a Torino

Aphaia è particolarmente orgogliosa del GDPR-ready workshop che abbiamo tenuto alla Fondazione Agnelli, Torino, Giovedì 18 Maggio.