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Flex your online privacy muscle!

Flex your online privacy muscle!

Bodybuilder Rocheal Philip helped Aphaia put together advice on how to show off online – without hurting your online privacy and personal data.

rocheal philip bodybuilder privacy

In Rocheal Philip ’s business, public online presence is indispensable. But so is drawing a line between public and private life, and not sharing the latter with everyone. Here are some tips:

What data do you share?

Rocheal’s fans can see her muscle and follow the competitions she attends but they would not know much about her whereabouts and the details of her family life. She draws a line what is important for them and what is not.

How do you share?

Some things can be shared with the public and all the fans. Others should be shared with friends only. Keeping separate social media profiles with different privacy settings is a good idea. “Everyone can follow my bodybuilding career on Instagram but my Facebook is for my friends only.”

Claim your online privacy!

Always be aware of what is visible to whom. Check your general privacy settings on your social media profiles, and privacy settings for each post, where applicable. Test those settings in practice. Be ready to ask your service providers questions about your data and about your rights.

Do you require assistance with GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 compliance? Aphaia provides both GDPR adaptation consultancy services and Data Protection Officer outsourcing.

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